Editorial Reviews

“I just finished the book. Wow, it is so authentic and intimate. I could feel the intensity and emotions so vividly— from being part of an extraordinary firm at an extraordinary time —to coming to the realization that it was not a level playing field. As a woman you were climbing up the same mountain as the men but you carried a backpack and had weights on your ankles. You were and are a trailblazer. By you sharing your experience, it validates what so many women felt but could not define, admit or speak out loud. Thank you.” 

DEBORAH BURESH JACKSON: Entrepreneur, founder, CEO, Tech Investor, former Investment Banker, Change Agent


“In Broad Street, Janet Hanson has brought to life the painful realities of working on Wall Street, and especially so for women, even at Goldman Sachs, which wants people to think it's better than everyone else. It's why I used to say about working on Wall Street, ‘It's good one day a year.’”

WILLIAM D. COHAN:  Former investment banker and best-selling author of Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World; Founding Partner, Puck News


“On one level, Broad Street, Janet Hanson’s story of her life and career, is an inspirational story of how to succeed against the odds. Even more importantly, it’s the story of how to build a meaningful and happy life by following your own gut.”

 BETHANY MCLEAN: Award-winning author, journalist, and all around fabulous human being

“When we first met at Columbia Business School, I knew Janet Hanson was a special mix of tough and tender. In her page-turner memoir Broad Street, Janet shares how her toughness allowed her to get to the top despite all the obstacles thrown in her path. What I love most about this book is how her tenderness allowed her to play the game by her rules. You will be inspired by this epic of “derring do” - daring to be and daring to do.”

CAROLYN BUCK LUCE: Executive Coach, Inventor of The Decade Game; Author of EPIC! The Women’s Power Play Book, former diplomat and investment banker  


“Just finished your book – I felt like I was living every adrenaline rush, angst and aggravation - and understanding the contradictory love/hate relationship which comes with working inside an iconic, storied firm.” 

J. KELLY HOEY:  Author of Build Your Dream Network

“Hop on a rollercoaster ride as you follow Janet Hanson's career at Goldman Sachs. Broad Street shares the good, the bad, and the ugly, and you'll come away learning that when one door closes, you just have to kick the next one in hard enough to create a permanent opening for others to walk through.”

ALISON LEVINE:  Author of The New York Times bestseller, On the Edge. American Women’s Everest Expedition, team captain